Friday, August 23, 2024

Book Tour: Rooster and Squid by Jen Cole @RABTBookTours

Bowling Burglar

Juvenile Fiction / Pets / Humor / Mystery

Date Published: May 14, 2024

Publisher: Lucid Books


Rooster, a handsome Golden Retriever who loves belly rubs and bacon, and Squid, a mangy grey cat who loves big naps and butt scratches, are an unlikely duo. Even though their early days were spent scrounging for food and seeking shelter, they knew they were meant for more. As luck would have it, they were rescued by the town veterinarian and welcomed into the best family ever.

Life with their new family is never boring. In Bowling Burglar, a family picnic in the backyard is interrupted by breaking glass and a scream from next door. As the mystery unfolds, Rooster and Squid are smack dab in the middle of the chaos.



Interview with Jen Cole

Have you read anything that made you think differently about fiction?

There is a book series by Jess Lourey that begins with May Day, June Bug, Knee High by the Fourth of July. … There is one book for every month of the year. It is light-hearted and fun, but what I enjoyed the most was how the author built each book upon the one before. By the end of the series, I was completely vested in the small town and all the people who lived there. I tried to create a similar feel with Rooster and Squid and all the people of Trout Springs.

How do you select the names of your characters?

Each character is loosely based on someone in my life. Given this, their names reflect either something about their personality or their occupation. There are characters like Scrunch Face, Nose Ring, and Slick, whose names tell you a little about them without any further explanation. There are also characters like Mr. Strudel, Officer Catchum, and Mr. Reader, whose names tell you exactly how they spend their day. Now that I have told you this, my friends and family are very likely a bit nervous. …

Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

Most of the proper names throughout the book are a bit tongue-in -cheek, but the real secrets are for those who know me best – like a hiking trail named after a ski slope from a family vacation, or a phrase my kids grew up hearing from their grandfather. Those are the precious nuggets.

What was your hardest scene to write?

In book 14 of the Rooster and Squid series, I write about something we all struggle with if we have ever owned pets – end of life. It is something we dread, and something we feel ill equipped to talk about or explain to our kids. I tackled it head on and hopefully I did it in a way that will warm your heart. Truth be told, there were a few teardrops on my keyboard.

Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?

All the books in the Rooster and Squid series can be read as a stand-alone, but if they are read in sequence, the reader will recognize previous characters, places, and themes. By the end of the series, I hope the reader has truly and deeply fallen in love with the whole town of Trout Springs!

What were your goals and intentions in this book, and how well do you feel you achieved them?

My goal for the Rooster and Squid series is to very simply create fun stories for children where a love of family, faith, and community is center stage. As a bonus, kids and parents alike might also learn something! I feel confident I have achieved this goal, and I hope young readers fall in love with Rooster and Squid!

What inspired you to write Rooster and Squid?

I am a small animal veterinarian, who after 25 years in clinical practice had the opportunity to retire. While this was a huge blessing, it also made me ask ‘What now?’. Having spent an entire career being very detailed and scientific, my brain craved a more fun and flexible outlet. I always enjoyed spinning tales for my kids when they were little and decided to try to put pen to paper. During my years in practice, I also concluded that veterinarians would see fewer sick patients if clients were more educated on common pet problems and conditions. So, In the Rooster and Squid series, I created fun stories for kids where they and their parents could learn something about their beloved pets. I think it is a hit!

Can you tell us a little bit about the next books in the Rooster and Squid series or what you have planned for the future?

So far, there are three books in the Rooster and Squid series available for purchase with eleven more to come. Each one has a new adventure, mystery, or tall tale with the bonus of Tips and Fun Facts from Rooster and Squid. Somewhere down the line, I am also working on a book about the brave search and rescue dogs and their handlers, who save lives when disaster strikes. Readers of Rooster and Squid may recognize some of the characters in this new book!

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in Rooster and Squid?

Rooster is a very handsome two-year-old Golden Retriever, and Squid is a slightly disheveled grey cat. They are the best of friends and constantly finding trouble. They were lucky enough to be rescued from the streets and adopted into a family of five. Wilson and Gen are veterinarians, and they have three kids – Loralie, Jes, and Benji. Loralie is the oldest and always has her nose in a book, Benji is the youngest and is learning to play well with others, and Jes is sandwiched in between and has a knack for fashion and talking to animals. The rest of the characters are friends and family that make up the small town of Trout Springs.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

My favorite part about writing these books is knowing that when kids and parents read them, they will not only be entertained, but also be better equipped to love and take care of their pets.

About the Author

Jen Cole grew up in Kingwood, Texas, where she developed an early love for sports and animals. She attended Texas A&M University where she received a degree in Biomedical Science, competed for its Division I tennis team, and continued her education at Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine. She and her husband, Wil, currently reside in The Woodlands, Texas, have three children, and have practiced small animal medicine for over 25 years in Spring, Texas. After retiring, Jen decided to tap into her creative side and combine her love of writing with her love of caring for animals.

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