Thursday, August 15, 2024

Review: New World (Surviving the End #3) by Grace Hamilton

New World

Surviving the End #3

by Grace Hamilton

Published: January 8, 2020

Genre: Dystopian, Science Fiction, Post-Apocalyptic


They’ll protect what’s theirs—or die trying.

The McDonald clan have learned their lessons the hard way these last months. Shane and Jodi finally realize they must keep their reunited family close and protect their own above all others to survive in this new post-apocalyptic reality. The repairs on the home are complete, solar panels installed, and the now operational pump means they won’t have to continue collecting rainwater for the foreseeable future.

But it’s no longer just outsiders wreaking havoc on the small Georgia town, as unprepared townsfolk learn of their hard-earned stores—and threaten to take their prepper supplies by force.

To stem the mayor’s confiscation plans and keep the angry hordes at bay, the McDonalds’ blind teenaged daughter spearheads a community garden project to teach the citizens how to survive the coming lean years. But word travels fast when there are too many hungry mouths to feed.

And the gang that has long menaced the McDonalds comes looking to exact their pound of flesh.

When loved ones get caught in the crossfire, Shane and company won’t hold back against an enemy that threatens to take everything they have left.

Or kill those they hold dear.

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My Review:

New World is the third book in the Surviving the End series by Grace Hamilton. New World picks up where book two, Fallen World left off. Shane and James found Jodi after she wrecked her bike and brought her home. Jodi is healing from a gunshot in one arm and breaking the other after she wrecked her bike.

Pike, a member of the bike gang that took Jodi is still locked up in a jail cell. But he manages to escape. He goes looking for Violet. He wants her to pay for what she did. Pike finds Violet at the park.

Violet came up with a really good idea to help feed all the people living in tents in the park. Violet thought it would be a good idea to plant a garden in the park. Surprisingly many people who live there volunteered to help tend the garden.

The townspeople still want to take food from people’s homes instead of planting a garden for themselves. They would rather take from others than do any work. They just want to sit around doing nothing while taking what they want.

The very thing that Beth, Shane, Jodi, and James have been trying to avoid may be on its way. They may need to get ready for a fight for their lives.

New World kept me on the edge of my seat not able to take my eyes off the pages. As I have said before I love the Surviving the End series. I love the world that was created for it. I can’t wait to read more from this series. I can’t wait to see what comes next.

I highly recommend New World to all post-apocalyptic fans! Grab a copy of New World today!

Be sure to check out all the books in the Surviving the End Series

Crumbling World #1




Fallen World #2




New World #3




Connect with Grace Hamilton

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