Thursday, August 29, 2024

Book Tour + #Giveaway: The Ark of Ukraine by Lura Hunter @RABTBookTours

Bringing the Kingdom to a War-Torn Country



Date Published: 08-06-2024

Publisher: King's Glory Publishing House


He was told to renounce his belief in God or face certain death. He chose God. In this powerful story we follow the lives of two Ukrainian natives-Peter and Irina Tkachuk, who went against the cultural norm of their country and chose to follow God. Through uncertainty and an authoritative rule, they chose radical obedience. The Tkachuks took the charge to share the Kingdom with those around them from school age children to wounded soldiers. The Ark of Ukraine is more than a missionary’s memoir. The moving testimonials and resilient faith exhibited by the people in these pages is captivating and moving. The work they did and the lives they touched are nothing short of a miracle. This book will ignite your faith and inspire you to do your part in sharing the light and life of the Kingdom. Grab your copy of The Ark of Ukraine today.

Interview with Lura Hunter

    Does writing energize or exhaust you?

    When I get in the flow, it energizes me. When I’m stuck, or start judging my writing, I just quit for a while.

    What is the first book that made you cry?

    It was probably a book about an animal, like Black Beauty. Animal stories always get to me.

    How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

    I am trying to learn not to edit, just get out the ideas on paper. Also I’m learning how to organize my writing and revisions so I can track them better.

    What do you owe the real people upon whom you base your characters?

    I owe them my thanks, but they are very thankful that I wrote their story as well. I give them my friendship, support and prayers.

    Where did your love of books/storytelling/reading/writing/etc. come from?

    I’m not sure if its genetic or not. My mother liked to write and my aunt wrote a story of her life as a one room school teacher.

    I used to tell stories using my stuffed animals. They had names, voices, and personalities. I would entertain my family on trips in the car. I liked to write stories at school. Later in life I wrote poems.

    What do you like to read in your free time?

    I like a good story. I like to read stories that are set in different cultures so I can learn history as well. I read a lot of Christian books.

    Can you share some stories about people you met while researching this book?

    I enjoyed interviewing Peter and Irina the most. Even though I’ve known them for a long time, I hadn’t asked them about their lives much before. I loved Peter’s stories and I believe if he had had time, I would have gotten many more interesting stories out of him. Irina often doesn’t say much as she is uncertain of her English, but she has a lot to say and has had some amazing experiences. I didn’t now that she came from a long line of pastors. I enjoyed interviewing their daughter, Anna as well. I liked getting her perspective on the ‘missionary kid’ lifestyle. I enjoyed talking to Aliyah a young girl and getting her take on going to Ukraine and attending a camp. Every person has many stories to tell!

    Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre?  If you write more than one, how do you balance them?

    I wrote The Ark of Ukraine when I realized that it was an important story and needed to be told. I write in a journal, different thoughts I have about the Christian life, I may at some point write a blog using those journal entries. I also want to write a children’s book, but have only written a few pages.

    How do you begin writing a new book? What challenges come with it?

    This is the first book I have written, so I’m not sure. I feel pressure to write another book for some reason, but I have no clear vision yet. I think there is a challenge just to believe that the world needs another book, to believe that my voice is important. Getting a clear picture of the person I would like to reach and the message I want to convey is a challenge.

    Share a place that inspires you to write

    I write at my kitchen table, not particularly inspiring except I do find my home peaceful and relaxing. I bought a gaming chair that is quite comfortable and I can sit for long periods of time without my bottom going numb. That was essential in the writing of my book!

About the Author

Lura Hunter is an author, missionary, and heart healer. She holds a master's in counseling and special education. Lura has a passion for the lost. Her desire is not just to see them saved but to make disciples as the Great Commission commands. Lura has traveled to nine different countries: Brazil, Ghana, China, El Salvador, Ukraine, Cameroon, Papa New Guinea, Uruguay, and Indonesia. With each country she met new people and experienced God’s heart in a new way.

When she is not on the mission field abroad, Lura takes on the role of healer for many. With over ten years of experience under her belt, Lura helps people break out the things like generational curses, guilt, shame, pain, and anxiety. She helps them step into spiritual freedom through Sozo and Prophetic Heart Healing. 

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