Thursday, August 15, 2024

Review: Tom Savage (Star Farmer #1) by Jaxon Reed @AuthorJaxonReed

Tom Savage

Star Farmer #1

by Jaxon Reed

Published: August 15, 2024

Genre: Space Opera, Science Fiction


On a frontier planet, land is cheap. So is your life.

Tom Savage is intent on homesteading, and Phaethon is the newest planet open for colonization. Here, technology is lacking in many places. And for 200 credits, anyone can claim one square kilometer of prime farmland.

But Tom has a secret or two. He is not interested in farming crops, at least not at first. Tom wants to harvest pieces of Phaethon’s sun.

To do so will mean first reaching his stake out near the desert, surviving human predators along the way, bringing fugitives to justice, and dealing with the resident sand dragon population.

All in a day’s work for your local star farmer…

Veteran science fiction and fantasy author, two time Kindle Scout winner Jaxon Reed presents an all new space opera set in the Milky Way’s vast frontier! Fistfights, bar brawls, and gun battles pepper this fast-moving and fun romp, with high-tech hijinks meshing with Wild West drama. Download today!

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My Review:

Tom Savage is the first book in the Star Farmer series by Jaxon Reed. Tom Savage is a great start to a new series. Tom Savage is a mixture of old Western and science fiction novels. Tom Savage reminds me of a John Wayne movie and TV shows like Earth 2.

Phaethon is being colonized so Tom Savage buys some land on this new planet. Land is being sold at a very reasonable price to entice people to live there. Some rogue people are living on Phaethon. Life on Phaethon is like living in the old Western days.

After landing on Phaethon Tom he had to fight several men on his way to the piece of land he bought. Everyone Tom saw after landing did not believe Tom would make it out of town alive, much less to his homestead.

But Tom is not the person they all believe him to be. Tom has a few secrets he is holding on to. Tom’s dad always told him not to tell people you just met your life story as you don’t know who you can trust and who you can’t.

The land Tom bought is very secluded and barren. Unlike most people who move to this new planet, Tom is not planning on being a farmer. No Tom has other reasons for being on the planet, reasons that he is not willing to share at the moment.

I truly enjoyed reading Tom Savage. I fell in love with Tom from the beginning. The descriptions made the story very appealing. I could see everything I was reading in my head as if I was watching a movie. The descriptions made it so easy to do so. I can’t wait to see what the Star Farmer has waiting for us in the next book.

I enjoyed reading Tom Savage so much that I highly recommend it to anyone who likes Westerns or science fiction! Grab a copy of Tom Savage today!

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