Friday, December 13, 2019

Review: Secret of the Moonlight by M.G. Darwish @infrangilis

Secret of the Moonlight
by M.G. Darwish
Published: October 14, 2019
Genre: Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Short Story


A thrill cannot be quenched without reason. Secret of the Moonlight delivers a lot, in very little.

A number of unsolved cases demand the attention of a famous detective, known for tackling a lot of mysterious with success. His success rate has garnered him enough reputation that criminals fear. Isabelle is the girlfriend of Calvin Greyson, son of the well-known Jack Grayson, and after he receives a threatening letter, she runs off to the police to seek their help.

My Review:

In Secret of the Moonlight bodies are turning up left and right. One man is on the run from a vicious killer. One woman is determined not to become a victim herself. The murders are all taking place at night. Who is this mysterious killer?

Secret of the Moonlight is a very short story but packs a whole lot of punch. It definitely reads like a full length novel and will have you hooked from front to back. The action and suspense is non-stop. Once I picked it up I couldn’t read fast enough to see how it would turn out in the end. There was a big twist that I never saw coming but it was awesome.

Looking for a short read? Do you enjoy a good mystery or suspense with lots of action? Well then Secret of the Moonlight is the book your looking for. Pick up a copy today!

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