Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Review Tour + #Giveaway: Omniscience by Janine Frances @JanineFrances5 @GoddessFish


by Janine Frances

GENRE: Dystopian Thriller


A family seek refuge in the Australian outback as tyranny takes hold, but who can they trust?

The world is at war and an authoritarian government has taken control in Australia. A terrorist group known as Day One is attempting to destroy civilisation so humanity can start again.

Shareen Miller gets caught up in a bureaucratic nightmare when she’s detained by an Auto-Enforcer for not having the right travel permit on the way to a job interview. Shareen’s detention sets off a chain of events that lead to her five-year-old twins being taken by the government.

With her husband Daniel, grandmother Alma, and sister Layla, Shareen seizes her children and escapes from the city. On the road, she reveals a secret about her missing mother Veronica that she’s been hiding from her family for five years.

What follows is an intense journey into the harsh Australian outback where nothing is as it seems, and no one can be trusted.

As they fight for survival, Veronica’s family finally learn the truth about why she left them. The stakes couldn’t be higher as the future of humanity hangs in the balance.


Her first thought when she saw what appeared to be a child dressed in a white sheet standing behind the ute was that she was still dreaming. The figure had its back to her, and matted hair hung to its waist. Shareen tried to say something, but her jaw was locked, and her legs were anchored to the ground. She could only watch in fascinated horror as the figure slowly turned around. The face that looked back at her was not that of a child but a woman. It wasn’t Veronica. This woman was too old. She had milky eyes and a gnarled body like an ancient tree. Her filthy smock dress looked like something a cult member would wear.

The woman stepped towards her, and Shareen stumbled backwards, but her throat was still paralysed. She couldn’t take her eyes off the woman’s face.

What the hell?” Daniel was beside her in a second, grasping her arm. “Are you OK?”

Before she could answer, Phoebe let out a shriek, followed closely by Ben, and then Layla.

Oh, my,” said Alma.

Stay where you are,” said Daniel. “No one move. Has she said anything?”

No, I just woke up and she was here,” said Shareen.

Is it our grandmother?” said Phoebe.

Daddy, is it a witch? Is she going to hurt us?” sobbed Ben.

She’s not your grandmother and she’s not a witch,” Shareen said in the calmest voice she could muster. “We don’t know who she is yet.”

My Review:

Shareen Miller lives in a world that is at war and is controlled by the government. They are watched by the government at all times with drones. Their whole lives are controlled by the government. Jobs are very hard to come by as well as housing. You have to have a permit for everything.

Shareen’s husband lost his job and had to move away as that was the only job he could get under the circumstances. He lost his job and with a record, you are lucky to get any job. You have to take whatever is offered.

Shareen is on her way to a job interview when she is stopped by an AE because she got off the train at a location that she did not have permission to be. She was taken in for questioning. Shareen was afraid that she would never see her family again. She has known or heard of others who had been taken away for nothing really and they were never seen or heard from again.

Then one day the twins are taken away from Shareen for not having the right permit for housing. Shareen was so afraid that she was never going to see her babies again. She had been hearing rumors about family members being taken away before.

Shareen and her husband decide that the only choice left for them is to take their children and leave it. They have heard about others leaving without the government's knowledge. They will have to sneak out without getting caught by the government or the consequences could be deadly for all of them. But they will take the chance if it will keep their family together.

Can they save their family? Can they keep their family together? Will they make it to safety? Or will they be caught? What dangers lie between them and their destination the Australian outback?

Omniscience kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end with never a dull moment in between. The descriptions were written so vividly that I could see it all playing out in my head with each turn of the page. The twists just kept flowing page after page, pages that I couldn’t turn fast enough as I just had to know what was coming next. The more I read the more anxious I became as more and more of their stories were revealed. I can’t wait to read more from this world in future books. I can’t wait to see where the author takes us next.

I would recommend Omniscience to all dystopian fans! One-click your copy of Omniscience now for a thrilling intense ride!  

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Janine Frances lives in the Hunter Valley, Australia with her partner David and dog Banjo. She loves reading thrillers and decided to have a go at writing her own.

Janine chose to write a speculative thriller because it’s an exciting genre that asks important questions about the future.

You can find her on:

Amazon ~ Goodreads ~ Twitter


$25 Amazon/BN GC 

Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning.


Rita Wray said...

Sounds very intriguing.

Sherry said...

Sounds like a wonderful read!

Stormy Vixen said...

Congratulations on your recent release of Omniscience, Janine, I enjoyed the excerpt and your book sounds like a thrilling read! Good luck with your book and the tour! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a terrific day!

bn100 said...

nice cover

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for reviewing my book! I'm thrilled you enjoyed it and really appreciate your detailed review.

Bea LaRocca said...

Thank you for sharing your wonderful review of Omniscience, I am a fan of this genre and the synopsis and excerpt have intrigued me, this is a must read for me