USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHORS Adrienne Woods and Carlyle Labuschagne bring you the epic world of Concordia where seventeen-year-old novice fae, Sophie Emerson, has to find herself in a world filled with magic, shapeshifting creatures and secrets that could get her killed. A world where Drake Evans, a shapeshifting phoenix griffin tries to do what is right, even if it means betraying his own heart.
The epicness is stretched over a series of five novels that will have you sitting at the edge of your seat, falling in love not just with Concordia, but with all the Concordians living in it.
If you love Griffins, Phoenixes, Manticores, Pegasi and fae trying to fix a world that seems impossible to fix, then you do not want to miss out on this epic journey.
Shifted 1
Cursed 2
Betrayed 3
Secured 4
Triumphed 5
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Author Bio:
Adrienne Woods is a USA Today Bestselling author, living in South Africa.
She’s been in love with books all her life and knew at the age of 13 that she is going to be a writer one day.
That dream happened ten years ago and she started to pen her stories down on paper. Firebolt, her debut novel, were released 4 years after that, and she hasn’t stop since.
With more than 15 novels under her belt, it doesn’t look like she is going to stop soon.
To find out more about Adrienne and her books, please visit her website at
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Carlyle is a USA Today bestselling author from South Africa, who has won an award for her SF fantasy series the Broken Trilogy. This series broke ground not only in her country but in many where the genre of SF is concerned. Mixing African tales into worlds most of her readers describe as highly imaginative and unique. Her Dystopian Romance book, Dead of Night is a multi-award nominated tale set in a world where love is outlawed, described by readers as breathing new life into the genre.
Her goal as an author is to touch people's lives, and help others love their differences and one another by delivering strong messages of faith, love and hope within each world she writes about. She loves creating villains you have a hate, love relationship with and always explores imperfection as a strength in her heroes and supporting characters.
"I love to swim, fight for the trees, and am a food lover who is driven by my passion for life. I dream that one day my stories will change the lives of countless teenagers and have them obsess over the world literacy can offer them instead of worrying about fitting in. Never sacrifice who you are, its in the dark times that the light comes to life."
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