Saturday, February 3, 2018

Book Tour + Review + #Giveaway: Girl Divided by Willow Rose @MadamWillowRose @SDSXXTours

Girl Divided
by Willow Rose
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy

They think she's a monster, but she's their only hope…

In a divided nation, 14-year-old Jetta belongs nowhere. Her face is split right down the middle: half-black and half-white. The non-white residents of her New Orleans camp call her a demon. The white oppressors who took over during the 2nd American Civil War have called her much worse…
After years as an outcast, Jetta uncovers her true heritage as the daughter of an African storm god and a Finnish death goddess. As she attempts to harness her terrible new abilities to turn the tide in the war, trouble comes to those she tries to help. Only Jetta has the power to heal her divided homeland… or destroy everything in her path…
Girl Divided is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi novel infused with magical forces. If you like immersive worlds, strong characters, and a tale that reads like Neil Gaiman and Stephen King combined, then you'll love Willow Rose's provocative story.
**On Sale for .99 cents!**
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Even the people starting the fire probably could never foresee the havoc and destruction it would cause. Maybe they could and maybe they wanted it. Maybe that was why they did it. But, then again, do people really want war? Or does it just happen?

The people of the Calvary Temple Baptist Church, who met in the red wooden building on Alvin Callender Street in the heart of New Orleans, certainly never thought of this bright and unusually hot Sunday morning as a turning point in history when they arrived at church
just before ten o'clock as usual.

To them, it was a Sunday like every other.

Well, that isn't entirely the truth. Something was very different this morning, something that had all the churchgoers’ attention, but it wasn't something they spoke about out loud. Instead, they whispered as they passed, or stared at Tiffany from the pews in front of her with curious eyes and some anxiety.

Tiffany knew they were staring and whispering behind her back, but she cared very little. She loved her newborn baby girl, no matter if people talked and whispered about her freakish appearance. It was, after all, not her fault that she looked the way she did.

How could anyone act like this toward a young child?

Next to Tiffany sat Gregory, her husband. He was sighing and rubbing his forehead, partly because of the heat, but mostly because he was not enjoying the many stares and glances falling upon him, wondering, could he really be the father? How could they have had a little girl like that, being as they were both black? How had they had a child that was half white and half of color? 

But the child was his. Tiffany had assured him repeatedly. She had not been with another man. No one could explain why the girl looked like this. Not even the doctors. Maybe it was a lack of melanin, they stated. But no one knew for certain what caused it. There had been
records of children with one blue and one brown eye before, but never of one having one entire side of their face and body white, the skin and hair as white as snow, and the other side black and dark as the night.

But that was the way Jetta was. And Tiffany loved her just the same.

"Let's close our eyes and pray," Pastor Lawrence said.

Tiffany did, holding baby Jetta close to her chest while she slept. Only three weeks old and she was the dearest thing. Tiffany had heard so many stories of how the baby would ruin her sleep, but there had been nothing of that sort from Jetta. She had been sleeping… well, like a baby…ever since birth and never fussed much. The quietness along with her appearance had made Tiffany's mother anxious.

"The child is evil, I tell ya," she said, spitting on the floor. She was trying to drive out the demon in her whenever Tiffany wasn't looking. "I can smell it on her skin. Death and decay from the pit of hell. Still smells burnt. She is sent here to destroy us all, I tell ya."

"She is no such thing," Tiffany had told her, laughing even though she was slightly anxious. Her mother had always believed in all that old superstition. Growing up in New Orleans, Tiffany had listened to it all her life. All the nonsense about the spirits and gods walking among us, but Tiffany never quite bought into any of it. Still, when you have listened to things like that your entire life, you never can stop wondering, what if ? What if there is something to what she is saying? 

"Nonsense," Tiffany had told her repeatedly. Not just to convince her mother, but also her worried self.

"It's just superstition."

But her mother wouldn't stop. Just this morning, before church, her old mother had looked her straight in the eyes and said:

"This child is a sign that darker times are ahead. I am tellin' you, darker times are ahead of us."

Luckily, Gregory was a Christian and he had taken Tiffany to church once they met, and there, she had finally found something she could believe in: Love. Nothing else. No dancing spirits or darkness lurking around every street corner. Just peace and love. Tiffany refused to let her mother destroy the happiest moment of her entire life by worrying about something so silly.
Jetta made a sound and Tiffany chuckled. Gregory grabbed her hand and squeezed it while Pastor Lawrence spoke.

They didn't even hear the doors being locked from the outside.

America has finally done it again. The country has been divided by the 2nd American Civil War. The white people have taken over and are now putting black people in concentration camps.

A fourteen year old girl, Jetta and her Nanna are both taken to one of these camps. While they are being rounded up and herded on a bus Jetta becomes separated from her Nanna and is then left all alone. But Jetta is used to being alone as she has never had a friend.

Everyone looks upon Jetta as being a freak a monster because of her color. Jetta is divided she is half black and half white. Jetta is divided right down the middle with her one side being black and the other side white. The world has made Jetta feel as if she doesn't belong anywhere. She has no idea who she is or where she belongs.

But she does meet another teenager in the camp who vows to always take care of her and keep her safe. Tyler finds a way to help them escape with help from a woman and her husband who help them hide out for a while in their attic along with another family.

Tyler wants to find his brother he thinks he may be in Chicago. He knows if they can find him then he will give them a place to stay and take care of them. But Jetta is not so sure.

I read fiction books for a reason and that is because they are not real. They are made of stories sometimes with a smidge of truth in them. Although Girl Divided is fiction and not real it has a whole lot of truth in it with a good possibility of it coming true and if we don't try and change what is going on around us then we may find ourselves in another civil war but maybe that is exactly what we need to help bring us altogether again and put a stop to all the hate. I say this but then I think how do you get love out of hate or war.

People believe what they are taught and most of the time never questions it. They never stop to think for themselves. They are taught that if someone looks different than you then you hate them. They are not taught to look at what is inside of someone or to look into their heart to see what kind of person they are. They are not taught to look for good or evil or how a person talks the words they use if they are negative or positive or their outlooks on life.

There is too much bad energy in the world that is filled with hate and evil. All the hate and evil needs to be let go so that good energy with lots of love and joy sent out. I think it is time to lay that b*tch down. But no one wants to do that. No all they want is to keep holding that b*tch up higher and higher hoping to a gain a little power and to be in control to be on top. No one needs to be on top. Everyone should be on the same level. That is the only way they can ever see that WE ARE ONE. I agree with the author and as my husband has taught me there is only one race and that is the human race.

I think the author did an excellent job of describing all the hate in the world and the outcome of that hate if it is left on its own to escalate. I loved learning about the Africa God of Storm and the Finnish Goddess of Death and her children of diseases. I can't wait to read more of Jetta and Tyler's journeys and where they may take them next.

I would recommend Girl Divided to anyone who likes reading post-apocalyptic stories with Gods and Goddess along with a little magic thrown in.

The Queen of Scream aka Willow Rose is a #1 Amazon Best-selling Author and an Amazon ALL-star Author of more than 40 novels. She writes Mystery, Suspense, Horror, Supernatural thrillers, and Fantasy. 

She lives on Florida's Space Coast with her husband and two daughters. When she is not writing or reading, you will find her surfing and watch the dolphins play in the waves of the Atlantic Ocean. 

Willow's books are fast-paced, nail-biting pageturners.
Several of her books have reached the Kindle top 20 of ALL books in the US, UK, and Canada.
She has sold more than two million books.

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