Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Blog Tour + #Giveaway: The Sandbox by J.W. Patrick @sandboxnovel @yaboundtourspr

The Sandbox
by J.W. Patrick
Genre: YA Sci-fi
Release Date: October 2018


What would you do? After a mysterious impact in the dry Oklahoma landscape, three teenagers discover a world where they can do anything they want. Anything at all: Play. Explore. Fly. Destroy. But as a ripple of consequences impact on reality, Sonny, Isla and Dan realise this is far from a game. Do they now have the power to change the real world? Because if they do, they know exactly what they want to do first. Dirt-poor Sonny Monroe blames the oil company that fracked his family ranch for his problems. Dan Hawk, a Native American from the Chickatawa tribe, has never forgotten who stole his native Homelands. Idealistic Isla Duncan, a Scottish Paralympian junior on a charity handcycle tour, would just like to make the world a better place. As the three teens attract global enemies and the killings begin, grave doubts divide them: Do they control this new-found power? Or is it controlling them? If so, what on Earth does The Sandbox want?

Purchase Links can be found here: https://bit.ly/2EV6En0 or Kindle: https://amzn.to/2RilKpR

Interview with Author J.W. Patrick

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

My favourite animal is a Highland Cow – noble, stately, elegant, stubborn. Of these, stubborn is all I can claim to be. So my spirit animal is in all honestly probably a rat! Curious, explorative, shrewd, always hungry, leaves a mess, constantly finds itself in places it ought not to be but extremely loyal.

How many hours a day do you put into your writing?

Varies wildly. I write for commercial projects and some factual TV but I also have a part-time job as a chef. So on those days which are physically tiring, I just use my notebook and write longhand with a fountain pen in bed or in front of TV. Although I always say I do my best work in the shower or bath! Then, when I have time to sit down in front of the computer I just blast out as much as I can make sense of, from all my scribbles and notes.

Do you read your book reviews? If yes, do they affect what you write in the future?

Yes. To a certain extent. I’m stubborn and will continue down my chosen path no matter what. But if a common criticism emerges then obviously I'd be stupid not to listen.

Do you leave hidden messages in your books that only a few people will find?

Of course. There's always a scattering of references and in-jokes to my favourite TV shows...

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in The Sandbox?

The three main characters are Isla, Sonny and Dan – all 17.
Sonny and Dan are lifelong buddies from a small town in Oklahoma. They are an ‘odd couple’: Sonny is a dirt-poor, world-weary impulsive young man whose best friend is brooding, intense, thoughtful and considered. Dan is a Native American with a tiger mom who has very high expectations. Neither of their families approve of their friendship.  Without Dan, Sonny would most likely be in prison. Sonny’s family farm has been bankrupted by nearby fracking operations and somebody, somewhere is going to pay.

Isla is a Scottish Paralympian Junior taking part in a charity fundraising hand cycle tour of America. She is disabled from a childhood car crash that killed her mother. Determined, principled, passionate, and fiery, Isla is drawn to all lost causes and just wants the world to be a fairer place. When Sonny and Dan, riding their beloved dirt-bikes, rescue Isla from a marauding Twister, their lives are changed forever.

The three of them discover The Sandbox, a mysterious entity with seemingly impossible power and they set about righting some wrongs. No matter what the consequences may be...

Can you tell us a little bit about your next books or what you have planned for the future?

Not planning anything except finishing books 2 &3 of The Sandbox. Hopefully this year (2019)

Do you allow yourself a certain number of hours to write or do you write as long as the words come?

In my head I plan minimum hours and word counts but in real life this usually means zero pages completed one day, then writing to 2am on another.

Do you have a certain number of words or pages you write per day?

I wish!

What inspires you to write?

My children are voracious readers and it’s lovely to have them enjoy my stories. Although The Sandbox is a little old for them just yet. Also watching and reading about current affairs on the News. The young characters in the Sandbox become increasingly politicised as they discover who their true enemies are.

Would you rather

Read fiction or non-fiction?
I read both equally so that’s a difficult question. I get just as much a thrill as starting a new Peter Hamilton novel as I do a reading yet another history of Ancient Rome or biography. If forced to choose: probably non-fiction!

Read series or stand-alone?
Series for sure! Huge lengthy tomes and loads of ‘em is heaven for me. Dan Simmons or Peter F.Hamilton especially. I stand in awe at their imagination. Their vast plots. And their work rate!

Read Science fiction or horror?
Science Fiction without a doubt. I’m addicted to sci-fi novels and TV. Iain M. Banks is my favourite sci fi writer. Never really enjoyed reading horror since I got scared reading at night as a kid but I do like horror films, especially suspenseful horror and humorous horror.  Unfunny slash and gore always seem a bit suspect to me.

Read Stephen King or Dean Koontz
I’ve never read Dean Koontz but have loved every (non-horror!) Stephen King I've ever picked up such as the Dark Tower and 11/22/63. I’m sure I'll try one of his classic horrors eventually.

Read the book or watch the movie?
I always read the book first.  However, I very rarely enjoy movies of books I loved. Too much gets dropped I think, especially story elements I could never have dropped!   Character ages are always wrong too and they are always much prettier than they ought to be. Maybe I should watch the film first...
Btw, The Expanse TV series is a brilliant adaptation of a book series. (Dare I say it, the script might even be better!) I just wish I could give that production team a list of all my favourite sci-fi books plus a billion dollars and tell them just to let me know when they’ve finished!

Read an ebook or paperback?
Always a paperback. Don’t own a kindle. I read in the bath. Also, I Iove my bookshelves too much – I would have floor to ceiling bookshelves on every wall in every room of my house if I could. My wife not keen on that idea though...

Be trapped alone for one month in a library with no computer or a room with a computer and Wi-Fi only?
For one month? A library for sure. For ever though? I’d miss the news too much maybe. We can’t isolate ourselves for ever.  But a month sure would be nice.

Do a cross-country book store tour or blog tour online?
I love road trips... see new places, meet new people. What’s not to love?

About the Author
JW Patrick lives in Scotland and has written voice-over scripts for television in the UK and USA.

My novels include The Invincibles, The Sandbox

I most recently completed a non-fiction book called Why have Adventures? for parents of young teens exploring the benefits of outdoor education.

Author Links:


FREE giveaway. https://bit.ly/2EWrYIB

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