Hexen’s Binding
J. Kowallis
(Hexen’s Cross, #2)
Publication date: September 23rd 2019
Genres: New Adult, Paranormal, Romance
Bryden changed everything. History that once was, is no longer. And life doesn’t exist as it once did. Hellia lurks in the shadows between worlds, but the specter of the once-powerful hexen is the least of Taran Grim’s worries. Something happened that day in Bryden. Something Taran failed to see. And Coll might be the one paying the price.

Author Bio:
J. Kowallis, the only girl of four children, grew up in northern Utah with a head full of wild stories (most often unreal). At the age of 9, she wrote her first poem, a dedication to E.B. White's Charlotte's Web. It was so intriguing, her Third Grade teacher requested to keep the original (THAT is a true story!). Between living in fictional worlds, she managed to graduate from Weber State University's creative writing program. She now lives in Utah with her Mini Schnauzer, Etta, and spends most of her time still bouncing between this world and the fantastical while enjoying delectable über-dark chocolate and lavender baths. She enjoys dreaming about, flying to, and writing about distant lands (real or unreal).
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