Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Review: The Sigil: A Novel - Part I by Shakeil Kanish & Larissa Mandeville @kanish_shakeil

The Sigil: A Novel - Part I

by Shakeil Kanish & Larissa Mandeville

Published: March 4, 2021

Publisher: Three Furies Press, LLC

Genre: Fantasy, Magical Realism


Lake’s brother Devlin was murdered right in front of him. Simply because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Or was he? Why, then, does Lake think Devlin knew he was going to die before they ever set foot in the gas station that night? As he obsesses over his brother’s death, Lake begins to uncover a hidden world full of forbidden magic and growing danger. Now he’s stuck, caught between the world that his brother was meant for and his own. Lake is beginning to realize that no one and nowhere is safe.

Nova Rathers may not be especially powerful in the Mage world but she makes up for it with a magical bag of snacks and a body constructed by the Gods to slay. Desperate to be more than her lineage, she finds herself teamed up with a group of misfits and, in her mind, the weakest creature of all - a gida...a powerless human. Together, they start to unravel the lies that built their world and continue to hold it hostage. Nova’s last year at Breyburn Academe was never going to be easy but she had no idea that it could ever get this bad.

Lake, Nova, and their newfound friends are about to find the truth behind what has been hunting them. But knowing is only half the battle. Even if they survive, will the rest of the world remain standing?

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My Review:

The Sigil drew me in from the beginning as I watched Lake watch his brother Devlin die right before his eyes. I was in tears, tears were streaming down my face, I mean I couldn’t see the words on the page. The Sigil was so vividly written I could see it all playing out in my head and I could feel what the characters were feeling.

It was like I could see Lake ducking down behind a small freezer peeping over the top and watching as his brother dealt with the robber. I felt as if maybe Devlin could see Lake there and he was trying to protect his brother by getting the robber’s attention on himself. The tears didn’t stop there. No, they were more later whenever Lake and his parents were dealing with Devlin’s death.

At first while reading The Sigil I thought this is not fantasy but then came that big twist and everything started to change. I love how it all started out then changed gears sending the characters into a whole new world. A magical world that is hidden from humans or non-magical people.

I just love Lake and Nova with her bad*** self. I loved the twist on Nova’s story. I mean I hate what she had to give up or what happened to her but she did what her heart lead her to do. I love the magical world that was created for The Sigil. I love the idea of a hidden magical school.

The action was non-stop with twist after twist that kept me glued to the pages waiting for the next turn in the story and barely able to contain myself while waiting for what was around the next corner. I can’t wait to see what Lake and nova have in store for us in part two of The Sigil.

I highly recommend The Sigil to all fans of fantasy, magic, and magical worlds. One-click your copy of The Sigil today to begin this epic journey with Lake!


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