Monday, January 14, 2019

Blog Tour + #Giveaway: The Risk of Happiness: The Punk Rocker (The New York Artist Series #3) by Cathrine Goldstein @CathrineGold @yaboundtourspr

The Risk of Happiness: The Punk Rocker (The New York Artist Series #3)
by Cathrine Goldstein
Genre: NA/Adult Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 21st 2019
The Wild Rose Press


Bad boy punk rock star Reale Lynxx never expected to see his ex-girlfriend, Amanda Simmons, again. And after she'd stomped on his heart and walked out on him six years ago, he's not so sure he wants to. Certainly Reale never imagined he would rescue Amanda and her son, Johnny, from drowning. But all it takes is one evening with her and Reale is ready to leave the past behind and try again.

Amanda never meant to hurt Reale and happily jumps heart-first into rebuilding their relationship. But when she confesses she left him to secretly raise their son, Reale grows livid, fighting her and gaining custody of Johnny…

When Reale realizes he was wrong for taking Johnny away, he tries to win Amanda back. But can she forgive the man who took her son? And can she ever trust Reale again, no matter how much she loves him?

Buy Links:

Summer of Irreverence: The Rock Star

To Be or Not To Be: The Actors
Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Wild Rose Press

To Be or Not To Be: The Actors

Pre-Order Promotion

Pre-Order a copy of The Risk of Happiness and send the author an email with a pic of the receipt to win 1) a digital, digitally signed poster of Lynxx--The Risk of Happiness tour and an ebook of either of the first two books in The New York Artists Series. Book 1, Summer of Irreverence: The Rock Star, OR Book 2, To Be or Not To Be: The Actors. All info is on the author’s website: 

Interview with Author Cathrine Goldstein

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

I actually think about spirit animals quite a bit since I teach yoga, but as a writer I guess I’d have to choose New York City as my mascot or even spirit animal.  Maybe that seems a bit odd, but to me NYC is alive, it’s gritty and real, and it makes its way into all of my writing.

How many hours a day do you put into your writing?

I’m lucky that I’m a fulltime, professional author, so I write every chance I can. But that also means a lot of my writing is done in the backseat of my minivan while I wait at carpool! I try to get a full day of writing every day, but it doesn’t always work that way. I think most writers are always working—even if the laptop isn’t with us, we’re still formulating ideas and taking notes.

Do you read your book reviews? If yes, do they affect what you write in the future?

I do read book reviews. I’m in a unique situation having come from the world of New York professional theatre, so I don’t stress reviews—good or bad. Everyone has an opinion and they’re entitled to it. I hope people like my books, and I appreciate everyone who takes the time to write a review!

Book reviews affect what I write in the sense that overall, I try to keep my readers happy. For instance, readers responded favorably to Summer of Irreverence: The Rock Star, so I immediately set to work on another rock star romance—The Risk of Happiness: The Punk Rocker. Sadly, I know I can’t please everyone all the time, so I write what I like and hope my readers do, too! And if readers reach out to me with feedback, I definitely take it to heart, try to incorporate it, and appreciate it!

Do you leave hidden messages in your books that only a few people will find?

What a cool idea! I wish I were that clever!

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in, The Risk of Happiness: The Punk Rocker?

Love to. The characters of Reale Lynxx and Amanda Simmons, in The Risk of Happiness: The Punk Rocker, are two of my favorite characters.

Reale and Amanda, or “Mandy” as he calls her, were young and in love six years ago when Reale was a struggling musician. When Amanda realizes she’s become pregnant, she leaves him to raise their son on her own to give Reale a chance at the career he deserves.

Now, six years later, Amanda is a waitress in a diner raising their five-year-old son, and Reale is a world-famous punk rock star who is miserably unhappy despite having it all.

What I love about these characters is that they are good, kind people who really love each other, and are trying to do what’s right. For the most part, they only want to help each other. But like so many of us, they can be misguided. 

Can you tell us a little bit about your next books or what you have planned for the future?

Sure! Thanks for asking. I have several more books planned for The New York Artists Series, because I love New York and artists and have found my readers do, too! The next one will be, Incapable of Love: The Movie Star. Want to know a secret? This time she’s the movie star.

I also write YA/NA (The Letting Series) and have a new Young Adult novel coming out soon—I can’t wait to share that one! Like all of my writing, it’s very real-feeling, and I try to create honest characters.

Do you allow yourself a certain number of hours to write or do you write as long as the words come?

I would love to just write and write, but I have many responsibilities in my life, including young children who have crazy schedules. Plus, I’m fortunate to be busy with marketing for my novels—like visiting awesome blogs like yours! Thank you! 

Do you have a certain number of words or pages you write per day?

This was my first year participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), and the only time I’ve really paid attention to daily word count. If I’m facing a deadline, I know what has to get done when, and I make sure I hit that number. But I may write several thousand words one day and only a few hundred the next.

What inspires you to write?

Writing is in me. I’ve been a writer my entire life. I see a circumstance—a person, or a situation—and then the entire story, or world, builds in my head. Oh, and chocolate gets me through the long nights of writing and editing!

Would you rather

Read fiction or non-fiction?

I love to read and read both! But for the most part, fiction.

Read series or stand-alone?

I read both and like both. At that sad moment when a novel is over it’s nice to have the next book in the series. But I also like imagining what’s next.

Read Science fiction or horror?

I scare easily—that’s the downside of a very active imagination—and when I read horror, it can keep me up all night. 😊  But I still read it—not gore, but suspenseful horror—and enjoy it. I guess horror wins over science fiction.

Read Stephen King or Dean Koontz

Stephen King. Dean Koontz is wonderful of course, but I love Stephen King’s style. This is the perfect example of horror I like.

Read the book or watch the movie?

Definitely the book.

Read an ebook or paperback?

I prefer paperback, but I’ve read many books I’ve loved as ebooks. And I do love the convenience of ordering an ebook. One-click and bam! It’s there.

Be trapped alone for one month in a library with no computer or a room with a computer and Wi-Fi only?

I’m a mom of two young girls, a puppy, and a cat. I’ll take the library, please! The idea of being alone and able to read all day every day for a month…? Yes, please!  😉

Do a cross-country book store tour or blog tour online?

I’m fortunate to have done both, and I like them both for different reasons. I love the one-on-one with readers when I do a cross-country book tour. Even when it’s a TV or radio interview, I still interact with people, and I love that. Plus, my family travels with me and during my downtime, we explore new areas together.

But I also love online blog tours, because I can interact with so many more people from all over the world! Online blog tours are a really fun way to “meet” new readers and offer giveaways and games just for them. Plus, online tours allow me to participate in my PJs! How can you beat that? 😉

About the Author
I am a bestselling author, and a NYC girl at heart. I write “gritty romance,” in the genres of YA, NA; women’s fiction; and romance. I’m also the author of The Letting and The Coupling, books 1 and 2 of The Letting series. I began my career as an award-winning playwright, and I am a proud member of RWA, PAN. I have my BA in English and my MA in Theatre.

I am a fan of Luna Bars, decaf coffee, yoga, Hemingway, and Bukowski—and the loves of my life are my husband and my two young girls.

To find out more about me; Summer of Irreverence, the first book in The New York Artists Series—standalone novels about strong, artistic men, and the smart, unexpected women they fall for; The Letting series; and what’s coming soon, please

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Author Cathrine Goldstein said...

Thank you so much for hosting The Risk of Happiness: The Punk Rocker Tour on your blog!