Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Blog Tour + #Giveaway: Chance Series by J. Bliss @jblissauthor @XpressoTours

Not By Chance
J. Bliss
(Chance, #1)
Publication date: June 5th 2017
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

Drew Rodd has the desire to escape the shadow of his parents and avoid following in the footsteps of his father and his destructive tendencies. At just twenty-four, Drew is promoted to Executive Director at Rival Tech.

Drew’s way of life involves a constant struggle with his father’s devious intentions and manipulations. He is always seeking to prick and prod Drew to advance and become a pawn to further his own success. Drew is determined to value his hate to get ahead professionally, but the beasts from his past keep lurking.

Jasmine Chance is in her last year of college, a challenge she chose after suffering through physical abuse and leaving home without ever looking back. She has done all she can to carry on toward graduating with her college degree, she believes a brighter future will keep her away from the nightmare that was her childhood.
However, her life changes forever the day she met Drew.

A dinner party draws the two together in an electrifying way. After being preyed upon by their pasts, they stick together closely as a couple once their life circles out of whack. Will their electrifying romance be their saving grace or will it destroy them?

The complete series:

Not by Chance will be Free May 8-10



Upon the varied shades of the sky stood a man, flexing the muscles in his legs. This man is a masterpiece. What can I do to capture his attention? He turns towards me as if he can hear my thoughts while walking in my direction. Dramatically, I stand up dusting the imaginary sand off of my thighs with feathery strokes.

His eyes turn and in a devil-may-care voice he speaks right away as he catalogues every curve and dip upon my body, “Hello beautiful, I’m Drew. What a pleasure to see you. I mean meet you.”

My eyes rolled to the top of my head, and I said in a dignified tone, “Wow, you are most confident.” Now it was confirmed that I grabbed his attention, I was coy saying, “We haven’t met because I haven’t even told you my name.” I gather my purse and he moves to grab my books, while finding excuses to touch my hand.

“Let me help you with that.” I must admit I am enthralled by Drew’s touch. He is devastating my ability to remain dignified. Coming to a halt, my words follow in a sugary pitch. “Thank you.” He observes the title of one of my books Starting Your Own Business and asks if I am an entrepreneur? My eyes follow his full lips, imagining them upon my body.

“Yes. I am a business owner.”  He knows I am into him. 

I walk towards Tenth Street alongside Drew. He asks, “Why are you alone during such a beautiful sunset?”

“I have been coming here for the past four weeks, daily. Mostly to study. It’s not a big deal, besides security roams through here often.” 

We cross over Tenth Street as the oncoming traffic to our left stops until we pass. The approaching driver is wearing a business jacket, on his way to work downtown I assume. He is anxious, hands resting on the steering wheel, for us to make it through the walk way. I look up noticing the apartment unit, The Gathering straight ahead has a nice sitting porch surrounded by a garden of ivy. We turn right at the corner facing the incline until our feet reach Arrgone Street. I see my red Pontiac Sunfire positioned along the road; I take the keys out of my purse. “My car is here.” Placing the key in the door lock, he touches my hand. In a short pause he admires me once more.

“You never told me your name.”

I think for a moment. “I didn’t, did I?”

Drew, holding my books in the crook of his strong arms says, “Come on tell me your name. I’m holding your books the least you can do is tell me your name.” He reminds me he has earned the right to know my name.

I say to him, “Well, if you want to learn my name perhaps asking will benefit you.”

“Okay, will you please write your name and phone number down so I can ask you for a date?” His ambition arouses me as he insists on getting my name and phone number. A smirk grows on my face while I reach in my purse for a pen and piece of paper to write my number on. I look up towards Drew, thanking him for carrying my books while passing the paper to him with one hand as I hold my other hand out to collect the books. He places his business card in my palm, which I tuck into my book, not paying attention to it.

He looks at the paper with a big smile upon his face and exclaims, “Your name, you still did not tell me your name!” I sit in my car, and he closes my door. He bends down just enough for his eyes to meet mine and pulls closer to me. “Can I call you tonight?” he asks. I am completely powerless, spellbound as I look deeper into his bedroom eyes.

 “Yes, anytime.”

Drew moves a bit closer to me; I place my right hand on the gear and left hand upon the steering wheel. He looks like he wants to kiss me. He asks, “Are you in a rush to leave?”

I bat my eyes, staring at him intensely for three seconds, “No, I’m not.”

The soothing sound of Drew’s voice is so easy to listen to, “Would you mind if I kiss you?”

He is such a charmer, wooing me with his words. With a smile, cocking my head to the side I respond, “We don’t know each other. I don’t just kiss people I don’t kn—”

At that exact moment he interrupts my speech with his firm lips that tells me that he knows what he wants. Persuaded by his kiss I continue to kiss him back. His soft lips caress me, as I taste his warm tongue. My mouth opens with a soft moan of bliss.

In a deep, dark chocolate, hypnotic, smooth tone Drew says, “I am very attracted to you.” I pull in reverse, resting my head back on the seat of my car. My focus is no longer on driving, yet my interest in riding Drew becomes a pleasant thought. I push the gear forward to park. Suddenly, I remember I was kissing someone I did not know and push the gear back in reverse as if Drew were on fire. He jumps away from the car and put his palms on top of his head.

"I'm sorry," he shouts in a stifled voice. "That wasn't right."

"It felt right, it's okay." Looking in the review mirror, the idea of appearing easy, troubles me. I’m thinking of my ex and how I don’t need to start a relationship; although, I still carry around a list of the perfect, ideal man for me with a picture of Morris Chestnut in my purse. I lower my eyes and turn away. I'm uncertain of what just happened from me kissing a man that doesn’t know my name. Or was it the abrupt apology that’s bothering me?

Again, he apologizes, reaching his hand into the car just enough to touch my arm while avoiding eye contact. I wonder if his heart is beating as fast as mine. Can he hear my heart pounding as the heightened surge of energy fires inside of me? Without hesitation I slowly drive in reverse, pulling away from the parked vehicle in front of me, I move my head once more to look at Drew. I smile hoping he imagines us molded against one another. He stands there watching me as if it is his last time seeing me. 

Author Bio:

J. Bliss Influenced by, Maya Angelo, Terry McMillan, and her own mother's prestigious writing, J. Bliss began writing stimulating poetry at the age of thirteen. She dreamt of being an author and never gave up on the passion deep to write that she held within herself.

Her first novel originated from a past radio talk show she was the host of, based on many callers that spoke about having marital problems, most of which stemmed from a lack of intimacy. Drawing from her own experiences and struggles, she felt compelled to write Lovers of Convenience leading to Not by Chance.



Tequila said...

Jasmine and Drew meet each other in the park, the both have this strong attraction to each other; but Jasmines past relationship which ended badly is keeping her from giving her all. Drew will stop at nothing to get Jasmine to see he is different from her ex, and shows his love for her through the more than thoughtful things he does for her. Will their relationship survive or be torn apart, get your copies of the Chance Series and find out; you won't be disappointed.

Giselle said...

Thanks for being on the tour! :)