Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Virtual Book Tour + #Giveaway: Benevolent by Erin A. Jensen @ErinAJensen @RABTBookTours

Contemporary Fantasy
Date Published: February 2nd, 2019
Publisher: Dream Waters Publishing LLC

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A story about the purpose of life, the healing power of fandom, and the resilience of the human spirit.

Tormented by the in-crowd at school on a daily basis, there were two things that gave fifteen-year-old Abigail Perkins the strength to keep going—her best friend, Danny Cobb; and her favorite television show, Supernatural. But the night Danny’s mother calls to say that his battle with cancer is nearing its end, and the doctors don’t expect him to live through the night, even Supernatural can’t dull the ache in her heart.

Devastated by her impending loss and crushed that Danny’s mother won’t allow her to visit him one last time, Abigail crawls into bed and cries herself to sleep that night; and she wakes to find Supernatural’s most endearing angel standing at the foot of her bed.

Told from Abigail’s perspective as she nears the end of her long life and revisits the moments that defined it, this story was inspired by the deep connection that Supernatural fans feel with the show’s beloved characters, and the show’s miraculous ability to help its fans through troubled times.

100% of the net proceeds from this book will go to Random Acts charitable organization.

Random Acts inspires many amazing things around the world every day — from small acts of kindness, such as inspiring someone to buy a stranger a cup of coffee, to much bigger acts of kindness like building a school in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.

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Interview with Author Erin A. Jensen

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

I would definitely choose a dragon. There are dragons in all of the books in my Dream Waters series. I always love it when people share dragon-related items or pictures with me on social media and say that it made them think of me. 

How many hours a day do you put into your writing?

I don’t have a set daily goal. I’m a mother and a pharmacist in addition to being a writer, and there are days when the time just isn’t there. If I held myself to a set goal, I’d feel like I was failing each time I wasn’t able to achieve it. I devote whatever amount of time I’m able to on a particular day. Some days, I spend so many hours at my computer that the day seems to vanish before I know it. Other days, after I’ve worked a ten hour shift at the pharmacy, I don’t have the energy to write at all. That approach works for me. I know the writing will eventually get done because it’s what I love to do.

Do you read your book reviews? If yes, do they affect what you write in the future?

Yes, I do read them. Reviews don’t always affect what I write in the future. Some things in my storylines are set in stone from the beginning, but I’ve definitely made some changes based on readers’ reviews or verbal feedback. 

Do you leave hidden messages in your books that only a few people will find?

I don’t know as I leave hidden messages, but I do leave a lot of clues about what’s to come. The books in my Dream Waters series contain plenty of hints about the characters, their pasts, and what’s going to happen in the future. Not everyone picks up on those, but I love it when a reader mentions them.

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in Benevolent?

Benevolent is different than my other books. It’s a more intimate story with just a handful of characters. Abigail is the main character in the story, which is told from her point of view as she nears the end of her long life and reflects on the moments that defined it. She starts out as a timid, lonely teenager who is bullied in school and takes comfort watching the characters in her favorite television show, Supernatural, fight to protect those who can’t protect themselves. The other main character is Abigail’s guardian angel who comes to comfort her throughout the difficult times in her life. When the story begins, Abigail is fifteen and her best friend is losing his battle with cancer. Her guardian angel appears to her in the form of her favorite angel from Supernatural and offers to take her to say her goodbyes to her friend.

Can you tell us a little bit about your next books or what you have planned for the future?

Right now, I’m finishing up the first draft of Book Four in my Dream Waters Series. There will be one more Dream Waters book after that. I’m not sure what will come after.

Do you allow yourself a certain number of hours to write or do you write as long as the words come?

I write for as long as the words come and time allows. I’m a part-time pharmacist and a mom in addition to being a writer, and some days carving out enough time to write is the biggest challenge.

Do you have a certain number of words or pages you write per day?

No, I write as much as I’m able to each day. There are days when I don’t get to squeeze in as much writing time as I’d like, but I fit it in whenever I’m able to.

What inspires you to write?

Everything inspires me. You never know what little details from my life might find their way into the story I’m writing. Benevolent was inspired by a character from the television show I was binge watching while writing the fourth book in my series. Castiel found his way into my heart. The more I learned about the character and Misha Collins, the actor who plays him, the more the concept of the story solidified. I was also inspired by the show’s unique ability to comfort its fans through difficult times when they might otherwise have given up hope and the show’s miraculous ability to turn strangers into family.

Would you rather

Read fiction or non-fiction?

Read series or stand-alone?
I love both, and I’ll read anything that sparks my interest. But if I had to choose, I guess I’d say a series. I enjoy getting the chance to revisit characters I’ve come to know and love and finding out what happens to them next.

Read Science fiction or horror?

Read Stephen King or Dean Koontz
Stephen King

Read the book or watch the movie?
Read the book. Although, if the movie stays true to the book and is done well, I love watching the movies too. I do prefer to read the book before watching the movie though.

Read an ebook or paperback?
I like both. ebooks are convenient because you can load tons of books onto one device and slip it in your purse. But there’s just something about holding a paperback in your hands and sinking your toes in the sand or curling up under a blanket on a snowy day that you can’t get from an ebook. So, I guess paperback trumps ebook for me.

Be trapped alone for one month in a library with no computer or a room with a computer and Wi-Fi only?
If there’s a comfy chair in the library to curl up in, I’d choose the library. Unplugging for a month to curl up with great books sounds pretty amazing right now...assuming that there’s coffee in that library somewhere. 

Do a cross-country book store tour or blog tour online?
Definitely a cross-country book store tour! Blog tours are great for connecting with new readers around the globe. But traveling across the country and meeting the readers in person would be an adventure. I love to travel and chat about my books!

About the Author

Erin Jensen is the Amazon International bestselling author of The Dream Waters Series. She was awarded the Bronze Medal for fantasy fiction in the 2018 Readers' Favorite international book award competition. She also received Honorable Mention for fantasy fiction in the 2018 Writer's Digest self-published e-book awards. A part-time pharmacist and a full-time daydreamer, she resides in upstate New York with her ridiculously supportive husband, two teenage sons – who are both taller than her – and a Yorkshire terrier who thinks he's the family bodyguard.

Contact Links

Twitter: @ErinAJensen

Purchase Link

RABT Book Tours & PR


Anonymous said...

thanks for hosting

Daniel M said...

sounds interesting