A Guide to Strategic and Effective Prayer
Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing
Pray Like a Pro is an incredible prayer tool in the hands of every believer from the beginner to the seasoned prayer intercessor. There is no greater prayer example to follow than the prayer that Jesus, Himself, prayed and then gave to His disciples. The Lord's Prayer is more than a prayer to recite. It is an in-depth study of strategic and effective communication that combined with faith will produce phenomenal results. Pray Like A Pro encourages intimacy with a Heavenly Father that loves us and cares for us daily. When we understand our relationship with God and learn how to effectively communicate with Him, then prayer is no longer a ritual or duty. Instead, prayer becomes an anticipated visit with a loved one that produces miraculous powerful results and infinite joy! This prayer study of The Lord's Prayer easily and thoroughly instructs the reader on how to Pray Like A Pro.
About the Author
Carlene Kelly is a writer, speaker, and the director of Kelly New Day Ministries, Inc. She has been actively involved throughout her life in church ministries for children, women, music, arts, drama, and teaching others how to pray more effectively. Carlene has co-written and directs two fictional four-act musical-dramatic works (The Lost Shepherd and Stix And Stones) that are performed live in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, each year during the Easter season
She and her husband, Leroy, were married in 1969, and together they have pastored four churches located in Texas, Louisiana, and Winston-Salem, North Carolina. As a ministry team, they have also traveled extensively across the United States in evangelistic itinerant work. They have three children and four grandchildren.
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