Sunday, October 8, 2023

Review: Greed (The Last Girls on Earth #3) by Hayley Anderton @handerton96


The Last Girls on Earth #3

by Hayley Anderton

Published: October 8, 2023

Genre: Dystopian


A citizen.
An assassin.
A weapon.

Only the strongest will survive.

In the midst of country-wide collapse, a new city is emerging, but Raven is beginning to understand that being free of one government doesn't ensure her safety. Crushed under the weight of a disturbingly corrupt council, she begins to question how much control she really has.

Riley thought she had left the life of a killer behind, but as she hits a new low, the only way to line her pockets and save her friends is to take up a knife again. With the past haunting her every move, will she have what it takes to be a ruthless assassin?

Karissa is about to take on the mission she has prepared all of her life for - ridding Britain of Inferiors and taking back the land. But behind the scenes, not everything is as it seems.

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My Review:

Greed is the third book in The Last Girls on Earth series by Hayley Anderton. Greed takes Riley, Karissa, and Raven down dark paths this time around. They may have to end up doing things they never wanted to do in order to survive and save their people. Their world is about to take a different turn but will it be the right turn? Can they save themselves and their people?

Greed pulled me into its depths just as far and as hard as the first two books Sloth and Gluttony. Greed like the first two books is told from different points of view. We get to see the world through more than one character's eyes. I like stories like this as I do get more of what is going on.

The world-building on this one was just as great if not better than the first two books. I sorely love the world that was created for The Last Girls on Earth. I love all the characters. I feel as if I have known them all my life. I felt as if I was a part of their world. Oh, and what an amazing world it is.

These three girls are strong in more ways than they will ever know. They do whatever it takes to get the job done and take care of their people. I can’t wait to read more about The Last Girls on Earth. I am anxiously waiting the next book in the series Wrath.

I love this world so much that I highly recommend that you grab a copy of Greed today!

Be sure and check out all the books in The Last Girls on Earth Series

Sloth #1



Gluttony #2



Greed #3



Connect with Hayley Anderton:

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