Monday, June 12, 2023

Book Tour + #Giveaway: Broken Chapters @RABTBookTours

Christian Living / Self-Help

Date Published: 05-15-2023

Publisher: 100X Publishing

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A Faith-Building Anthology with True Stories of God's Faithfulness, Care, and Power!

Do you have a broken chapter for God to rewrite?

All of us have a broken chapter or two in life—some short in duration and some long—from deeply disappointing to tragic. In Broken Chapters, each chapter's author writes about the way they each personally experienced difficult situations and how they saw God show up in the midst of their pain. God is still in the business of restoring joy, restoring fortunes, restoring identity, and healing broken places today. Nothing is too difficult for Him.

He does care about you; He does care about what you've gone through. He does care about you finding hope, finding peace, finding resolution, finding healing, and most of all, finding Him. His eternal pen still writes and rewrites today, bringing beauty for ashes and working out all types of circumstances for good for those who love Him and are called to live according to His plans and purposes.

Now, it's time for you to be infused with faith and hope for your Broken Chapters to be rewritten.

Interview with Krista Dunk

    What is your schedule like when you’re writing a book?

    When I’m writing a book, my schedule can be quite random. Because my regular job is helping other authors write and publish books, I often find myself sneaking blocks of time in throughout the day to write—even if it’s just 15 minutes here and there. I do travel quite a bit, and writing on airplanes also works very well for me. There have also been many evenings when my family and I have been watching movies, and I’ll have my laptop on the couch, writing.

    Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?

    I have, yes. In fact, for two fiction novels I’m writing now, I plan to use a different version of my name to differentiate between my non-fiction and fiction work.

    Have you ever gotten reader’s block?

    It happens sometimes! For me, a couple things work well to overcome it. First, I’ll try to find a new spot to write in my manuscript. No one ever said I have to write in order, so I’ll revisit my outline or story arc and look for a spot where I have something to say at that moment. Or I’ve also had to set the manuscript down for a few days, then come back to it. Getting some “fresh eyes” sometimes does the trick.

    Does your family support your career as a writer?

    Thankfully, yes they do. In fact, my daughter who’s graduating this year also wants to be a writer!

    How many hours a day do you write?

    This depends on if I’m actively working on a book of my own or not. On a daily basis, I’m working in one or more manuscripts…usually someone else’s. When I am actively working on my own project, I will typically write for one to two hours.

    If you could invite any three people for dinner, whom would you invite?

    Jesus, for sure. My Grandma Thea would be a good option too; she died when I was eight, and I wish I knew her better. And maybe either Abraham Lincoln or an old evangelist named Smith Wigglesworth. They’d both have fascinating stories to tell!

    Would you share something about yourself that your readers don’t know (yet)?

    Most people don’t know that I’m a trained American Sign Language interpreter!

    Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

    I would say that in my non-fiction work, I try to deliver original ideas in a way that readers will understand it well. So, it’s what they want, because it’s helpful and offers revelation and understanding, but it’s my perspective. With fiction, I want to write things that make people laugh, cry, and ponder life.

    How do you celebrate when you finish your book?

    Honestly, I don’t usually do a lot to celebrate, but I probably should! There have been times when I’ve gone out to a celebratory dinner, but maybe next time I’ll plan a trip to the beach or something more exciting!

    If you could be mentored by a famous author, who would it be?

    I would love to be mentored by C. S. Lewis. Not only was he an amazingly creative author, but he was such a wise person too. 

Contact Links


Instagram: @krista.dunk



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Marcy Meyer said...

I like the cover. This sounds like a good book.