Friday, April 19, 2019

Virtual Book Tour + #Giveaway: Anabel Horton: Lost Witch of Salem by Olivia Hardy @verajanecook @RABTBookTours

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Fantasy / Paranormal
Date Published: March 11, 2015
Publisher: Chattercreek

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From the Salem Witch trials through the Nineteenth Century and beyond, the devil’s disciple pursues young and innocent Annabel Horton.  During the Incident at Loudun in 1633 Urban Grandier’s soul was taken by the devil in a furious confrontation between good and evil.  The once pious priest becomes the demonic priest. His curse is on Annabel for forsaking him to Lucifer and he pursues her through time as she taunts his beliefs and he reviles hers. As Annabel flees the devil’s fire she must take the bodies of those that the devil favors to protect her family. She must uncover the motive behind the illusive Ursula/Louis Boussidan, the scandalous cross-dresser who is pursuing her beautiful granddaughter, and she must learn, being one of God’s most powerful witches, how to use her power. But will it be enough to save her husband from Urbain’s fiery inferno? Will it be enough to save her children from demons greater than themselves?

Interview with Author Olivia Hardy

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

My Chihuahua, Peanut

How many hours a day do you put into your writing?

I put a full 8 hours in on Sunday and holidays and days off and anything else I can steal.

Do you read your book reviews?

If yes, do they affect what you write in the future? Yes, I read them. I appreciate the good ones and when they’re bad I imagine a big backyard fire and toss them in, mentally that is.

Do you leave hidden messages in your books that only a few people will find?

Probably but they are not conscious messages.

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in Annabel Horton: Lost Witch of Salem?

The characters in Annabel Horton, Lost Witch of Salem were once probably alive. After I wrote the book I found a grave marked Annabel Horton. So perhaps I was channeled. The devil is an enemy of religion. He’s somewhat intellectual and he hates Annabel because she is a pure soul who believes in God. They have quite a few intellectual arguments. Urbain (the demon) was once a priest, a good soul but he was captured by Lucifer and became his evil disciple. He wants to win over Annabel’s soul but that is not likely to happen. Annabel is stronger but don’t tell the devil that.

Can you tell us a little bit about your next books or what you have planned for the future?

The next book is a sequel to Annabel Horton, Lost Witch of Salem. It’s called Annabel Horton and The Black Witch of Pau. The Black Witch has captured Annabel’s husband and Annabel must travel back in time to find him. It’s a time when Jack the Ripper roams White Chapel and Oscar Wilde is the toast of London. The meeting of the two witches has its consequences and its surprises.

Do you allow yourself a certain number of hours to write or do you write as long as the words come?

I write until I can write no more.

Do you have a certain number of words or pages you write per day?

I don’t keep track of that. I do, however, check how many words I have written when I am towards the end of the book.

What inspires you to write?

Love. Life. Memories. The stirrings of my soul and mystery. The mystery of us.

Would you rather

Read fiction or non-fiction?

Read series or stand-alone?
Both or either

Read Science fiction or horror?
Both or neither

Read Stephen King or Dean Koontz
I love Dean Koontz.

Read the book or watch the movie?
Both but he book will always come before or after the movie.

Read an ebook or paperback?
I read only ebook now but I still love hardcover books.

Be trapped alone for one month in a library with no computer or a room with a computer and Wi-Fi only?
I’ll take the library

Do a cross-country book store tour or blog tour online?
I’ll do either. Who ever wants me gets me.

 About the Author

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The first novel I ever wrote, Dancing Backward In Paradise, won an Eric Hoffer Award for publishing excellence and an Indie Excellence Award for notable new fiction, 2007. The Story of Sassy Sweetwater and Dancing Backward in Paradise received a 5 Star ForeWord Clarion Review and The Story of Sassy Sweetwater has been named a finalist for the ForeWord Book of the Year Awards. I have published in ESL Magazine, Christopher Street Magazine and I have also written early childhood curriculum for Weekly Reader and McGraw Hill.
The pen name for my fantasy and paranormal novels is Olivia Hardy Ray. There are two other books in the Annabel series, Annabel Horton and the Black Witch of Pau and Annabel Horton and the Demon of Loudun. Black Witch is book 2 in the series and should be published this year. Also penned by Olivia is my novel Pharaoh’s Star and my soon to be released, Pindar Corners.

Aside from Southern fiction and fantasy/paranormal fiction I write women’s fiction with two titles to be published in 2019 and my presently published Lies a River Deep.

As for pleasure I love wine, chocolate, dogs, cats and other creatures of the jungle. I also love to travel, read, write, watch films and go to theater. I value friendship, history, my enormously loving family and quiet times under a summer sun.

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Anonymous said...

thanks for hosting