Saturday, June 1, 2024

Review: Astrophobia by David Viergutz & Boris Bacic @BorisBacic


by David Viergutz & Boris Bacic

Published: June 1, 2024

Publisher: The Nightmare Engine

Genre: Horror


Captain Neal Cunningham is on the brink, one drink away from ruin. Space work isn't what it once was. Adrift, he's approached by a benefactor with deep pockets who offers him a prize no man could refuse—a glimpse of hope, a future. Despite suspicions, he reluctantly agrees, summoning his old crew for one final job.

What they encounter is beyond horrifying: Aperture Mining have constructed the most advanced planetary drilling station above the deep space planet Magna Prime.

The station, once home to hundreds of workers and their families, are now gone or dead. Records show Aperture uncovered something buried deep beneath the planet's surface.

Something they brought aboard the station …

Something that distorts their perception, warping what they see, hear, and even think …

Something that wants Neal and his crew to stay on the station forever …

In a fusion of 'Ghost Ship' and 'Event Horizon', this horror novel follows a desperate mercenary and his crew on one last mission that pits their survival against an inescapable evil … An evil that comes from within …

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My Review:

When I first started reading Astrophobia I wasn’t sure what lay between its covers but I must say it was way better than I ever anticipated. Astrophobia pulled me into its world from the moment I began to read I was lost.

It made me feel as if I was a member of the crew. I felt as if I was a part of Astrophobia’s world. In so many ways Astrophobia is unlike anything I have read before but at the same time, I had a sense of deja vu. Astrophobia reminded me of so many TV shows and movies. Astrophobia reminded me of a few TV shows like The Ark, The Orville, and Dark Matter.

I would love to see Astrophobia made into a movie or TV show. A TV show would be better in my opinion as TV shows last longer. I would also love to read more stories from Astrophobia’s world.

Astrophobia was so intense it kept me on the edge of my seat wanting to know what was going to happen next. The suspense was agony. It kept me waiting and waiting. I didn’t know how much longer I was going to be able to withstand the pressure of not knowing as I raced to the end.

I hated to see the end appear as I didn’t want it to end. I could have kept reading for days. I love stories like this and can’t ever get enough of them. I am always looking for books, TV shows, or movies like Astrophobia, and when I can’t find what I am looking for I will watch the shows over and over. Astrophobia is one book that I will read again and again. It will always have a spot on my to-be-read list.

I highly recommend Astrophobia to all horror or sci-fi fans. Grab a copy of Astrophobia today! 

Connect with David Viergutz:

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