Monday, June 10, 2019

Blog Tour + #Giveaway: Rules We're Meant to Break by Natalie Williamson @nataliewwrites @XpressoTours

Rules We’re Meant to Break
Natalie Williamson
Published by: Swoon Reads
Publication date: June 11th 2019
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult

Honest and full of heart, this clever contemporary romance debut deftly combines utterly relatable family drama with all the sweetness and uncertainy that comes with falling in love.

Rule #1: Don’t get attached.

Amber lives by strict rules to survive her mother’s love life: Always keep your eyes on the horizon and never get close to anyone connected to Mom’s boyfriends.

But after they move in with Kevin, the latest of her mom’s “soul mates,” the rules become increasingly difficult to follow. Kevin’s daughter, Cammie, keeps acting like Amber’s friend, even though she’s definitely not. And Jordan—star basketball player, hottest boy in school, and Cammie’s best friend—keeps showing up at the most inconvenient moments.

Amber has reasons for every one of her rules, and following them is the only way to protect her heart when her mom inevitably moves on. But as she spends more time with Kevin, his daughter, and especially Jordan, she starts to wonder if the rules might be worth breaking this time.

Chosen by readers like you for Macmillan’s young adult imprint Swoon Reads, Rules We’re Meant to Break is a charming, heartachingly real story of family and young love by debut author Natalie Williamson.

Praise for Rules We’re Meant to Break:

“The last time I devoured a book like this—I can’t even remember. … It was so openhearted and raw.” —Clarissa, reader on

“It is such a true true story about a girl finding herself within her first love. I loved it!” —Forever Bookish, reader on

Interview with Natalie Williamson

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

Do I have to pick just one? Because my two dogs and my cat are totally all my mascots. I’m writing this interview question on the couch, and both dogs are curled up next to me. Sometimes the cat comes and loafs on my legs while I work. They’re all excellent cheerleaders.

How many hours a day do you put into your writing?

Honestly, it varies, especially since I have a kiddo who likes to protest bedtime. I used to be really strict about writing five days a week for about an hour a day, but these days I’m more relaxed about it. I try to write 3 – 4 days a week when I’m drafting or revising, usually for at least an hour and a half. I don’t beat myself up when I can’t meet those goals, but I do try to celebrate when I hit them or when I manage to write more than what I planned in a week.

Do you read your book reviews? If yes, do they affect what you write in the future?

I’ve read a few out of curiosity, but mostly I am trying to stay away. I really believe that reviews are primarily for readers. I’m a huge mood reader, so I almost always read reviews before I decide on a new book. What works for some people might not work for me, and sometimes books I’ve tried and felt meh about in the past have morphed into five star reads when I’ve gone back and revisited them. So I’ve really tried to keep that in mind when I’ve looked at reviews of my own work.

Do you leave hidden messages in your books that only a few people will find?

No, but now I wish I would have! Maybe in the next one. J

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in RULES WE’RE MEANT TO BREAK?


--Amber, the main character, is a senior who is totally focused on getting into her dream college and is less than thrilled about moving in with her mom’s latest boyfriend.

--Amber’s mom, Claire, is a serial monogamist who is sure that Kevin, said boyfriend, is finally The One.

--Kevin is a genuinely nice guy, which makes it really hard for Amber to dislike him.

--Cammie, Kevin’s daughter, is a junior at Amber’s school, which leads to some awkwardness once they become pseudo-roommates.

--Jordan is a cute guy from school who has always caught Amber’s eye, and who just so happens to live in her new neighborhood.

--Hannah is Amber’s longtime bestie; the two of them have been through pretty much everything together.

--And last but not least, Buffy, Amber’s German shepherd mix, is Amber’s loyal furry sidekick.

Can you tell us a little bit about your next books or what you have planned for the future?

Right now I’m working on another YA novel about a girl who catches her boyfriend cheating with her best friend and escapes to her grandma’s house for the summer to avoid dealing with the fallout. I’m having a lot of fun with it so far!

Do you allow yourself a certain number of hours to write or do you write as long as the words come?

I usually aim to write about an hour or an hour and a half on my writing days. I’ve found that’s about my sweet spot for how long I can work before my brain needs a break.

Do you have a certain number of words or pages you write per day?

I like to aim for 1000 words per writing day. It’s a number that feels achievable to me; on hard days it’s low enough that I can reach it within my normal writing time, and on days when the words are flowing, I often surpass it by a lot. So it ends up being a good benchmark.

What inspires you to write?

All kinds of things! Funny things people say. Situations I’ve been through in my own life. Hearing something on the news and wondering What If it happened a different way. 

Would you rather

Read fiction or non-fiction?
Fiction! Hands down.

Read series or stand-alone?
This varies depending on my mood. I tend to read more series in the winter and more standalones in the summer.

Read Science fiction or horror?
Science fiction.

Read Stephen King or Dean Koontz
Stephen King

Read the book or watch the movie?
Read the book! Always.

Read an ebook or paperback?
I love the feel of a book in my hands, but these days I mostly read ebooks. It’s much easier to sneak in a few pages here and there on my tablet or my phone. And this way I always have unlimited books in my pocket!

Be trapped alone for one month in a library with no computer or a room with a computer and Wi-Fi only?
Alone in a library for a month with no computer.

Do a cross-country book store tour or blog tour online?
Online blog tour. My kiddo is still pretty little, so it would be hard for me to leave her for a long tour. I am also a huge introvert, so online stuff is more fun for me. J

Author Bio:

Natalie Williamson is an HR person by day and a YA writer by night and nap time. She referenced Harry Potter in her first ever full time job interview, which tells you almost all the things you need to know about her. Other important things to know include: she loves her husband, daughter, dogs, and cat; she has a serious dessert problem; and she frequently Wikipedias movies and TV shows to find out if they have happy endings. RULES WE’RE MEANT TO BREAK is her debut novel.




Giselle said...

Thanks for hosting today! :)