Thursday, February 4, 2021

Virtual Book Tour + Review + #Giveaway: A Plastic-Free World for You and Me by Tracey Szynkaruk @GoddessFish


A Plastic-Free World for You and Me

by Tracey Szynkaruk

GENRE: Children's


Join Theo, a young boy who, with the help of his teacher and classmates, is working to reduce the need for plastic use in day-to-day life. From grocery stores to restaurants, read along to see how plastic use can be minimized to help make a plastic-free world for you and me!


Theo’s dad tells him that they are going to grab some pizza for lunch and that he will take some home for Theo’s mom. As Theo’s dad is paying for the pizza, Theo interrupts the clerk and says, “Could you please put the extra pizza we need in this container?” The clerk tells Theo that is fine and helps him put the pizza in the container. The clerk says, “That’s so nice to see. I hate knowing that take-out containers always end up in the landfill!”

My Review:

In A Plastic-Free World for You and Me Theo’s teacher has been teaching them about what plastic does to the environment and how to stop the use of plastic in their everyday lives.

Theo goes with his mom to the grocery store and helps her to buy items that are not plastic. His mom agrees with him on all their purchases and gives Theo praise for all his brilliant ideas.

Both Theo’s mom and dad are very proud of him for all his smart ideas and lets him know just how proud of him they are. Theo is a big influence on his mom. His mom searches the internet on her own to look for more ways for more plastic free ideas.

Theo and his classmates are working together to help make the world to be a better place to live.

A Plastic-Free World for You and Me is a children’s book that teaches children how to work together to help change the world for one and all. A Plastic-Free World for You and Me is the perfect book for both children and parents to read together.

Interview with Tracey Szynkaruk

What book that you have read has most influenced your life?

I would have to say The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. The novel does a great job of combining words and philosophical wisdom that is quite enchanting. It truly enforces the notion that failing or the risk of failing to follow our dreams should not stop us from following our dreams.

Tell us a little about yourself? Perhaps something not many people know?

I am now a mother of two. I recently gave birth to another baby boy. I really enjoy computer programming. If I have time to complete another degree, I would purse one in computer programming.

Can you tell us something about your book that is not in the summary?

This book was written for my son, Theo. The characters in it are based on our family and we have implemented all of the plastic waste reduction suggestions in our household.

When writing a book do you find that writing comes easy for you or is it a difficult task?

Overall, I did not find writing difficult. I was excited to write this story so it came together quite nicely.

What is your favorite childhood book?

My favourite childhood book is Love you forever by Robert Munsch. I enjoy reading it to my sons often.

What were your goals and intentions in this book, and how well do you feel you achieved them?

My goals and intentions for this book were to encourage everyone to make some small changes in their lives to reduce plastic waste. I feel like I highlighted some very approachable suggestions on how to reduce plastic waste.  

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Tracey Szynkaruk is a young author and mother of one who resides in Grand Forks, British Columbia. She hopes she can inspire people to make plastic-free choices for a cleaner and more sustainable world for her children and yours!

Connect with Tracey Szynkaruk:



Purchase Links:





$20 Amazon/BN GC

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Rita Wray said...

Sounds like a great book.

Victoria Alexander said...

Great post - I enjoyed reading the excerpt and your review!

Sherry said...

I love the cover and the excerpt.