Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Book Tour + #Giveaway: Polly’s Special Day by Yulinda Blake Cook @BookScribbler_ @RABTBookTours

Children's Book

Date Published: Aug 3, 2022

Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

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The story of a lifelong memory given to a little girl by her father who grants her the gift of her dreams, which is... time!

What do #GIRL DAD’S DO? They show their daughters that quality time given to them doesn’t tick away. Quality time is recorded and locked in the heart to cherish and retrieved through the memory anytime they need it!


Interview with Yulinda Blake Cook

    How did you become involved with the subject or theme of your book?

    My book Polly’s Special Day is based on a true event that happened to my first grandchild.

    What were your goals and intentions in this book, and how well do you feel you achieved them?

    My goal is to show the importance of the relationship between a father and daughter. Time is a mathematical equation, it can be used to add or subtract, multiply or divide a relationship. Why not use it to provide a positive outcome in your relationship with your child. I am achieving the goals, it is a continuous mission.

    What was the hardest part of writing this book?

    The illustrations.

    What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

    I enjoyed incorporating family in the scenes. I also enjoyed creating rhythmical flow that can be enjoyed by everyone.

    Where there alternate endings you considered?

    Yes, I considered alternate endings.

    Can you share some stories about people you met while researching this book?

    Since my book is personal, I had no flesh and blood contacts, just internet and books.

    What genre of books do you enjoy reading?

    I enjoy reading all types of books. Lately it’s been autobiographies or biographies.

About the Author

Yulinda Blake Cook lives in Suwanee Georgia, she is a wife, mother of four, and YaYa to nine wonderful grandchildren and counting. She loves spending quality time with her family. Yulinda loves reading to her grandchildren and cooking large family meals. Prior to retirement, she worked professionally in the fields of Social Work, Psychology, and Early Childhood Education. She has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Alabama (Birmingham) in Social Work with a Psychology minor. She also has an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education from Lawson State College (Birmingham). Yulinda has experience as an editor/writer of a newsletter, and as an instructor and mentor during her employment with the federal government. “Polly’s Special Day” is Yulinda’s first published book. This book is loosely based on a true family event. With every book, she hopes to fortify children’s imaginations and improve family relations.

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