Thursday, October 7, 2021

Book Tour: Laugh Clown Laugh by Penny Haavig @RABTBookTours


 Missionary to the Oddballs Series

Historical Fiction

Date Published: 10-31-2018

Publisher: Book Baby

Insecurity, grief, and scars of the past nip at Violet Pearl's heels through four decades. The colorful vaudeville stage bolts this riveting story forward. An invisible mask covers the anguish in her heart. A history of mental illness haunts her. Will Violet escape a nervous breakdown?

Interview Penny Haavig

For those interested in exploring the subject or theme of your book, where should they start?

Mental Health and emotional issues.

How did you become involved with the subject or theme of your book?

There is a history of mental illness in my family. My mother’s story reflects the years of torment she went through.

What were your goals and intentions in this book, and how well do you feel you achieved them?

I wanted to get my mother’s story of a flight from emotional madness to divine peace, in the hands of the downhearted. The historical novel, weaves in and out of four decades. Adventure, entertaining on the vaudeville stage, romance and tragedy cultivate an energetic POV. Yes, I strongly believe if in the right hands, folks can be helped.

Anything you would like to say to your readers and fans?

I love reviews. Please check out my reviews on Amazon and consider writing one.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

The historical research about Brooklyn, New York was so interesting and time consuming. I enjoyed every minute of it. I have a wealth of old photographs that really outlined most of the chapters.

Can you tell us a little bit about your next books or what you have planned for the future?

I wrote a second novel, “Missionary to the Oddballs”, which is a sequel to the first. My mother used to call herself this name. Violet Pearl Funk, overcomes battles, some larger than others. However, her quest is to share her new-found faith. Violet’s marriage and children are important to her, but will her business be a lure into another life? Is she free and clear of mental distress?

“Ebony finds a friend”, a soon to be released children’s picture book, about my first horse. I wrote this book in 1969 and kept it hidden all these years. A good friend remembered it and would always ask when I was going to publish it. She passed away suddenly six months ago. It will be dedicated to her.

How long have you been writing?

8 years

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in Laugh Clown Laugh?

Violet Pearl Moretti, a beautiful, dark haired, brown eyed teenager with spunk and determination. She dreams of becoming a Prima Ballerina. Berto Moretti, Violet’s father. Very talented, born in Italy. He yearns to see Violet star on the Broadway stage. Blossom Moretti, Violet’s Mom. A devoted mother, wife filled with unruly emotions. Aunt Flossie, Blossom’s sister. A concert pianist never married. Daisy, Violet’s blond headed sister, ten years younger.

If you could spend the day with one of the characters from Laugh Clown Laugh who would it be? Please tell us why you chose this particular character, where you would go and what you would do.

I would love to spend the day with, Henry Funk, Violet’s husband, and my father. I chose him because he always worked so hard at Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in Manhattan. We had very little quality time when I was growing up. I would love to go horseback riding with him in Central Park as we share memories. We would go to the last standing, Horn and Hardart automat in New York City.

About The Author

Penny N Haavig was born in New York City. She lived in upstate, New York for many years. Penny has two grown daughters, and five grandchildren. She resides in Minnesota with her husband, Tom.

Penny loves horses and continues to ride when she can.

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